Carmel Health

Friday, May 13, 2011

Safe Haven Law

Illinois School Code requires that ALL school health education classes MUST teach the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act. Also known as the Safe Haven Law this act has saved the lives of newborn babies that might otherwise be abandoned by their parents.

From 1991 to 1998, the incidence of newborn abandonment in public places increased 62% across the country. Dramatic accounts in the media highlighted the problem. In March 1998, a baby was found by two 13 year old boys who saw a body floating in 14 feet of water in the California Aqueduct. The red-haired, 20 inch girl was tagged Baby Jane Doe No.21 and given the name 'Grace'.

Similar issues across the country prompted states to follow the lead of Texas and provide some form of Safe Haven law.

The Safe Haven Law in Illinois allows a parent to safely relinquish an unharmed infant anonymously, without fear of prosecution.

This law provides a safe alternative to parents who might be under severe emotional distress or unable to provide for the basic needs of the infant.

  • Distressed birth parents can legally and anonymously relinquish an unharmed newborn.

  • Provides a safe place for newborns.

  • Protects the parent(s) from arrest or prosecution for abandonment.

  • Does not require that names be given when the unharmed infant is safely relinquished.

  • Babies are handed in to an staff member at any hospital, police station, sheriff office, fire station, or emergency care facility.

  • The parent has 60 days to reclaim the infant, after counselling and an inquiry. After 60 days, parental rights are terminated.

  • Parents can voluntarily complete a medical and family history questionnaire for the newborn. This could be very useful for the child and the adoptive parents.

Remember, parents don't have to use the Safe Haven law. They could also consider a traditional adoption or an open adoption where records are kept and the possibility of future contact with the child is maintained. Public assistance and food stamps can help those who might be too poor to look after a child. The Family Services Agency can help young mothers afraid of the reaction of their parents.


  1. After watching the video at the end of this posting students should consider the following:
    How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    Can you think of any negative things about this law? If so, what are they?
    Are there ways to make the law better? How?

  2. Although I believe that the development of the Safe Haven law was definitely beneficial when considering the lives of the babies, I don't understand how a mother could bring her child to facility and abandon it forever. How could she say, "Take my child; I do not want the responsibility of caring for it"? I think that is absolutely ridiculous. But on the other hand, I understand that some young mothers may panic and be too immature to responsibly handle the undesired consequences of their decisions. The decision to bring a baby to a "safe haven" might be hasty and lack proper judgment - is 60 days enough to time to allow to mother to determine whether or not she desires the responsibility of a child and exemplify the actions of a caring, loving parent?

  3. 1. The Safe Haven law helps an unwanted newborn by giving them a chance to live. If we didn't have this law, then the mothers would probably throw them on the streets, expecting them to survive on their own. This saves many lives by doing just a simple act of going to a police station to drop them off.

    4. I think there are some negatives things about this law. One negative aspect of it would be that the child might not ever know their real parents. I know if I were the child, and my parents abandoned me, then I would never feel normal. It would make me sad to know that my parents didn't want me and they just dropped me off at a police station for someone else.

    Even though there are negatives sides to this law, it's better then having mothers abandon their child on the streets. I never knew about this law before today, so it was good to be informed. Over all, I think it's good that we have this law, but I hope it's not needed often.

  4. 1. the safe haven law helps new borns by giving them a chance. just because the parents dont know where to take there unwanted child, doesnt mean that the child doesnt has to suffer.

    2. The safe haven law helps parents of unwanted children because it gives them an option, and its an easy and safe way for the parents to get rid of your child. also the parents know that the child is safe. They dont have to fill out any paper work and they dont have to answer any questions.

  5. This law gives newborns a chance even though their parents dont want to give them one.
    Parents have the way of knowing that their child is safe in other peoples hands.

  6. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    This Law creates a protection for the new borns, instead of these kids being dumped and murdered to avoid having to deal with the child the parents have the right to give the baby up rightfully with honor and not be prosocuted. Giving people this choice, it gives them a sense of security and avoids drastic dramatic stories of finding a dead child in a ally way.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    It helps the newborn parents as much as it helps the baby, instead of a parent trying to keep a child just so they don't get in trouble but mistreat the child being that they are young and unable to take care of the child. I believe that this law is a very smart idea, and definitely a smart idea to help saves the lives of innocent new borns.

    Brian Kearns

  7. I think the safe haven law helps the unwanted newborn baby because it lets the baby live a full life. With this law it not only benefits the baby but also the family to be that will adopt it. Once you adopt a child that child becomes apart of your family and if you ever found out that the baby could have potentially been killed you could be crushed.

  8. 1. The Safe Haven law gives newborns a chance to experience life and have a caring family. Without this law, newborns would be denied this right and thrown away, into rivers or thrashcans. The law is simple and easy, persecutes no-one, and gives a child a new chance at life.

    4. The law gives the dropped off child no knowledge of their birth parents, and no clue as to why they were abandoned. The child could possible develop depression from the pain of not knowing why their parents left them at a police station or a fire station.

    Although there are negative aspects, this law does more good than harm, and I hope that all states will soon use it, if they do not already.

  9. The safe haven law is needed to protect infant life and it encourages and aids people to safely give their child away. It helps the newborns parents by giving them an easy way out of formal adoption. It benifits other people by giving more children available for people who want to adopt. I really can't see any negatives to this law.- Noah

  10. The Safe Haven law helps unwanted children, by giving them a chance a life. Handing them over into safe hands will give them a chance of getting a new home, and living a life which they deserve. It helps the newborn’s parents by giving them a chance of saving a life. Helps them financially, and it will give you a chance to help yourself. Yes, this law helps other people, these people are just everyday people knowing that infants are getting into a safe home and not just being abandoned by their parents. It gives them relief that people are seeking help out there instead of just ignoring the problem. Ways to make the law better would be, keeping in contact with the child’s parents. Make sure that if they have a mental disorder, that they are seeking help. If they have financial problems, that someone in their family or a friend is helping them.
    -Katie Gorski
    Period B

  11. 1. The Safe Haven law helps save lives and gives children a chance to live. Although, I do think that It will affect the child later on, mentally and emotionally because they will know that their mother gave them up. It could potentially be a motivation for the child to do better in life and they could possibly respect their birth parent's decisions. But I do think that it will most like make the child feel unwanted.

    2. Well, this helps the birth parents because they can go on with their lives and give their child better opportunities in life. Also, if they cannot afford adoption, it can help relieve the financial stress that comes along with that.

  12. The Safe Haven law desires to help mother that are unable to care for their baby for emotional or economic hardships. Hospitals, Police, and Fire Stations are capable of taking the child from the mother without asking any questions. It can give the parents relief and they could even take time to get a job. Within 60 days of the drop off, they have the option of retrieving their newborn. It also benefits the baby because he or she has a better chance of living a happy life and being a part of a loving family.

  13. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?

    It helps the newborn because this act saves the lives of newborn babies that could have been abandoned by their parents. Under a proffesional's close watch the baby will be properly nurished and cared after until the parent reclaims them or for as long as needed. So it also provides a safe place for newborns to stay while their out of their parents care.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?

    It can help Protects the parent from arrest or prosecution for abandonment. It can help distressed birth parents legally and anonymously relinquish an unharmed newborn. This altogether benefits the child and is in the best interest for both the parent and the infant.

  14. 1. The Safe Haven law helps unwanted newborns by giving them a chance at life and hopefully this law can give them a good home and a better life than they what they would’ve had. This law also benefits more than the baby, but the hopeful parents as well.
    2. This law helps the newborns parents emotionally and financially because it is very expensive to have a child. It can be very hard on the mother,emotionallly, and it can effect the birth parents in a negative way as well because you do have a sort of “attachment” after spending 9 months with the baby.
    ~Sam Campos Per. B

  15. 1. if the newborn baby is not wanted, it is many times thrown in the dumpster.With this law, the newborns are given a chance at a great life.

    3. this law helps the families of the parents and even the future family

  16. Hunter Martin and Chris Calvert- This law helps unwanted newbors get the life that they deserve, instead of just being dumped somewhere in a trash can.

    It also helps the mother of the newborn, in the case that the mother won't have to worry about it if they don't want it, or it gives them time to get themselves on their fett enough to get the baby back in 60 days. This law could help other people if they want to adopt a baby because they couldn't have one themselves.

    There are some negatives to this law however. Even though it gives the baby a life, it may make them feel not normal when they find out what happened. It also might make teens and young adults think that they can have sex with little consequence, because they can just get rid of the baby. One thing they could do to make the law better is to make the parents give more information about themselves and the babys background, so if there is anything wrong with it, they'll know about it.

  17. 1.This law helps unwanted newborns. It helps them by taking them away from their parents who don't want them and giving them a chance at life, verses being abused and sometimes even killed by their parents. If the baby's parents can't take care of him/her, then why should the baby have to suffer? By handing the baby over, the baby has a chance to live a better life and hopefully have a chance to find a family that wants them.
    2. This law benefits the parents also. This is because they are able to hand over their unharmed baby and not fear prosecution. If the parents are to the point were they can't take care of the baby, this is a way for them to give their baby away.Also, itgives the parents time to sort out their life and maybe even get their baby back in 60 days.

  18. I think it helps newborns in the fact that they hopefully won't be left to die somewhere. This would hopefully encourage parents to give their baby to someone who can responsibly take care of it rather than leaving it in an alley or something in that fashion.
    i think it helps the parents in the fact that they know the baby will be provided for. They also then don't have to worry about being prosecuted for abandoning thier baby. The one thing is it's such a shameful thing to drop your baby off somewhere saying you can't take of it. Hopefully people can overcome it and do what is best for the baby.
    -andrew stolzer

  19. 1.This law helps the newborn because if the mother did not give them up, they may have grown up in a bad environment. The mother also might have abandoned the baby, so this law is protecting the newborns. If the mother gives them up, they will hopefully grow up in a better environment.
    2.This helps the parent because they may not be ready to parent a child. Teen moms can give up their baby and they don't have to be scarred about prosectution.

  20. 1. The safe haven law helps unwanted babies by giving them a place to go if there birth mothers cant take care of them.

    2. This helps the newborns parents by giving them up to 60 days to claim their child. If the parents feel they can claim their child again they can if they pass a mental test before 60 days.

    Overall I think this is a great law for parents who feel they cant take care of the newborn at a certain time. This gives them time tomake a decision and see if a child is the right decision for them

  21. 1. The law helps unwanted children because it gives a safe alternative for the parents of the children to give them away instead of just leaving them somewhere or killing the baby.
    2. The safe haven law helps the mothers because often they might be too young to care for the baby or might not have money to take care of it. The mothers also might be so stressed and think badly and if they don't want the baby they might do something bad to it, but with the law they can bring it to a safe place.

  22. 1. The Safe Haven Law helps unwanted babies because it allows for the safe and prosecution-free deposit of them. If a mother is struggling to make a living for herself and her baby, this law offers an easy and responsible chance for the mother or father to start anew OR even get their life together by 60 days.

    2. This law is good for the parents because it gives them a chance to get their lives back together and gives them a second chance. They won't have to deal with the pain of murdering a child, and at there very least they will only have themselves to take care of.

  23. 1. This law helps unwanted new born babies by giving them a chance. Many mothers who give their child up are not fit to be a mother, so instead of having the child taken away from DCFS or injured they can be dropped off without any questions and hopefully have a future. Hopefully young mothers who are able to admit they are not ready to be a mom will realize that this law is out there and it is okay for them to give their baby up.
    4. I think that there could also be some negatives to this law. Although this law does a great thing for the children, mothers can easily abuse this law. For example, this could give some young mothers the mindset that it is okay to get pregnant and later just give their child away without questions.

    I think that this is a great law but, I don't think the mothers should just be able to walk out after. I think it is a great that the mothers won't get charged but, I think they should be educated and helped to get their life back on track.

  24. 1. The Safe Haven law helps an unwanted baby to be put up for adoption. That baby would be able to go to a loving family, instead of being neglected.

    2. This law helps the newborn's parents because they know they have options. The parents do not have to throw the baby away, they can give the baby up to someone who will want the baby. It will help them emotionally. knowing that they did the right thing.

    I think this law is a good idea because then there will be less babies being found in dumpsters and these babies will be able to have a chance to live and grow up with a family who can take care of him/her.


  25. The safe haven law helps newborn children because it allows them to have a future w/o the parents abandoning them or harming them in any way. The safe haven is an opprotunity for them to be addopted and cared for by parents/guardians that can take care of them.

  26. helps them becuase some parents throw their babys away protects them becuase they dont have to give their name and they wont kill their child
    3. ummmmmm i am not sure
    4. nope
    5. nope

  27. The safe haven law helps parents because they don't have to worry as much about the stresses of parenthood. Also it gives mothers the chance to give their child a better life. Though I believe its probably not the best decision for the child in all cases.

  28. 1. The Safe Haven Law will help newborns because they will be dropped off at a facility that will make sure that they are not abandoned. 2. This can help newborn parents because parents that can't take care of their baby. Yes, this will help people because it will not effect others who may see an abandoned child.
    Brian Johnson

  29. 1. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    It helps a baby because he/she can grow up and live a healthy life with adoptive parents.

    2. How does it help the newborn's parents?
    It makes it so the parents can not have to worry about whether they will be able to take csare of their baby significantly well compared to foster parents.
    Posted by SB

  30. it lowers the amount of abanded babies each year peobably becaue people can drop off their babies in a safe place now.
    this law helps newborns parents because they now have a different option and its a safe option. it doesent put so much pressure on the parents to kill or rais the kid.
    i think this law is a good idea becaue then there will be more babies that have an opertunity to live and can be given to a family that actually wants a kid who maybe cant have one.
    Grace Gregg

  31. Going to the question that states "how does this law help a newborn baby?" i feel that in todays society people are having too much premarital sex and it results in a baby. I like the law because it gives a baby a better place to live and survive rather than going to a home with poverity and harsh living conditions.
    Yes, i do believe there are some negitive aspects about the new law. The biggest problem i have is the fact that you can get prison time for not going through the right process to give up your baby, but on the other hand abortion happens everyday and no parent or teen gets any penilty for it. This makes no sense to me.MH

  32. The Safe Haven law helps an unwanted newborn by giving them up to a safe place that they can be adopted and life a better life than what their parents could give them. They will not just be thrown away if their parents know that they have other options as well.
    The only negative thing about the law is that it encourages people not to go through with traditional adoption. Traditional adoption is better for the child and the mother, I think. With this law, the mother doesn't really have much time to consider if she really wants to give up her child or not. She only has 60 days to make a very tough decision.

    Overall, i think this law is good, because it will save many lives. The only downside is that many people do not know about it. This has, however, been fixed because we are required by law to learn about it. With enough awareness I think this law will be very good and save more lives.

    M.R. Period D

  33. 1. The safe haven law helps an unwanted new boarn by giving them a chance at life and at least someone to take care of them.
    2. This law gives the parents freedom to give their child away to someone who will take care of it. While this law does protect the parents in a way, i dont think people should be able to just give up and give their own baby away.

  34. 1. the Safe Haven law gives unfit parents, who dont know what else do to with their child, a chance to give the life their baby deserves without the risk of getting in legal trouble.

    2.this law helps the newborns parents because it gives them an option. alot of the times, the parentd are young and most likely scared! this gives them a chance to both help their child live a better life and keep them out of the court legal system.

    I think this is a smart law to have because teen pregnancies and abandoned baby numbersd are going up. This gives unfit parents options and gives a better life to the abandoned babies.

  35. 1) How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    The Safe Haven Law helps unwanted infants because this why their parents can "get rid of them" but in a safe way. I know that sounds horrible but it is better than dumping the newborn on the side of the road. Or in that girls can stuffing her child in a gym bag. Her baby deserves alittle more respect and love than that.

    2) How does it help the newborn's parents?
    This law helps the newborn's parent because this way they have a hassle free option. I know that it sounds bad but this way the newborn's parents can avoid problems. They won't go to jail. I don't see why they wouldn't do this over the option of leaving the baby on the side of the road.

    My opinion to this is is that it is a good idea. I don't know why people would be opposed to this. It is better than what people have been doing. Also it is just like adoption. The baby would go to a good family that could give him/her a better chance at life.


  36. 1. The Safe Have Law helps save the life of a new born child. instead of the mother throwing it on the streets, it gives the baby a chance to live.
    2. This law helps the newborns parents by relieving the stress of having a child of their own, and it will also help them feel relieved when the baby is in better hands than what it
    would be if they kept the baby.
    3. I think this law is a good idea because it gives the child a chance to live. The child will grow up with a loving family rather than a family that doesnt want it. He/she will have a better life! H.N.

  37. The Safe Haven Law helps the unwanted newborn avoid abuse or death from their birth parents. They can have more opportunities and a better life with their new parents than they could have had with their birth parents, who clearly didn't want them.
    I think there are some negative sides to this law. some parents may regret getting rid of their baby and may wish to see their child on a regular basis. The law does not allow the birth parents to be actively involved in their child's life. I believe the law could be improved by allowing the original parents see their child occassionally in a good environment.

  38. 1) It helps ensure that the unwanted newborn is provided with a safe healthy environment that the biological parents can't provide

    2) It helps the parents not commit any crimes against their baby and it also lets them know that their baby will be safe.

    I think this is a really good law that can help parents who have had a child but cannot care for it or do not want it. It ensure safety for the child and helps prevent any abandonment crimes

    Period D

  39. 1. The Safe Haven Law saves infants lives giving them a chance to live their life. The unwanted infant would be under close watch and be nurished. So they would be cared for.

    2.The Law helps the unwanted baby's parents because the parent's would know they did a good thing for their baby instead of just leaving it on the streets for death. Someone would take their baby and properly care for it. They also would not have to worry about financial problems because paying for a baby is a lot of money.

    I think that the Safe Haven Law is a good thing but also bad thing. Personally I think that if you get pregnant, it's your responsibility for your child UNLESS know you wouldn't be able to give the baby proper care. Then you could give your baby up for adoption. But also, it's a good thing because it's giving these infants a chance to live their life instead of being dumped away. Someone would take that infant and give it the best live they could.

  40. 1. The safehaven law benefite newborns who are unwanted because it gives them a chance to live and have their own life, instead of dying during an abortion, the safehaven law is giving each and every unwatned infant hope for their own future.

    5. I believe this law cna be improved in the following ways; during the time the infant is at the facility they interview possible people who would consider adopting a child, and they should do as much research as they can about the unwanted infant's mother and father so the child doesn't have to go through life wondering about their real parents and they could possibly reconnect in the future.

    Pat Kotek

  41. I think that it is kind a sad that a mother would have the heart to just abandon there child. I hope justice comes to all of those who commit this crime.
    The safe haven law helps new born by making sure parents don’t just dump there child off some were.
    It helps the parents mentally so they don’t have to live with there decision and keeps them from jail
    Helps people that might see the dead babies from experiencing that.
    I think that leaving the baby and just leaving is wrong I think that if a law was past saying that no matter what a parent must take care of there child and can not leave it or have an abortion this will reduce teen pregnancies and S.T.Ds creating a better world.

  42. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    Can you think of any negative things about this law? If so, what are they?
    Are there ways to make the law better? How?

    -The safe haven law helps an unwanted born child by giving it a safe place to go. It also gives it an opportunity to live.
    -It helps the new born parents, because if they are underage and they cannot afford to take care of their baby they can give it a safe place to go. It also gives it a better life

    -------a. reid------d-_-b-------

  43. -The Safe Haven Law helps an unwanted baby to live. If there was no Safe Haven Laws, I think there would be a higher rate of babies left on the streets, or killed like in the video. By having this law, the baby is given a chance to live in a safe environment.
    -It helps the parents of the unwanted baby because it frees them of any extra unwanted stress from the baby. It lets them not worry about charges being brought against them because if there was no law like this, the parents wold probably be brought to trial.
    -I think that this law is good because it gives more children the chance to grow up in welcoming, safe environments. Without this law, I think there would be many more cases like the one in the video.
    period D

  44. 1) How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    This law helps the newborns because it allows them a chance to live in a better environment they would have grown up in, and this way the babies can be adopted into a loving family that loves and cares for the child.
    1)How does it help the newborn's parents?
    This law helps the newborns parents because the parents are allowed a second chance without worrying about the child's needs.

    I think the Safe Haven Law is good because it allows a mom to give birth to a child with out having to worry about how exactly she is going to support the child. It gives the baby a chance to grow up in a loving family that the mother (and father) may not be able to give. It's best for both the parents and child.

  45. The Safe Haven law protects unwanted infants because it gives them an opportunity to be with a loving family who could support them. It helps the newborn's parents because it gives them a choice that will be better for the baby and give it a better life. It benefits other people who want to adopt newborns. There are no negative effects to this law in my opinion.

    evan Churchill

  46. The Safe Haven law helps an unwanted newborn by providing him or her with better care than care that he or she might otherwise receive. Some newborns that are dropped off at these types of places come from disadvantaged mothers. Disadvantaged mothers are mothers who do not have the financial support and emotionally maturity to take care of their own child. Most disadvantaged mothers are girls between the ages of 13 and 18. If a newborn is dropped off at a Safe Haven facility, then he or she will be placed into a loving family through adoption.
    The Safe Haven Law helps the newborn's parents by reassuring them that their child will receive the best life possible. Some new parents might feel guilty after dropping off their baby at one of these types of facilities. However, with this law, the parent(s) will understand that their child will have more opportunities and advantages than they could otherwise give them.
    The Safe Haven Law helps adoption agencies. With this law, adoption agencies will receive more newborn babies. If there are more babies available in an adoption pool, then more adults will adopt children. As a result of the prevalence of more adoptions in an agency, the adoption agency will gain more money than it would if it didn't have any babies abandoned under the Safe Haven Law.
    The negative aspects of this law are that the child's emotional health will be harmed later on and that the person that the infant is handled to might not know how to handle the baby. Safe Haven Law states that the parents do not have to provide any medical and/or family history forms. If the child wants to know about his or her birth parents when he or she is older, then he or she will never know. Medical information is also useful so that the parents can have a general idea as to what genetic diseases the child might be more susceptible to than the general public. Also, the people who the parents give their child to might not know what exactly they have to do with it. Some of these people might not have ever had a child of their own. Besides this, their work profession may or may not deal with children. In order to equip these kinds of people who work at Safe Haven facilities, training should be required so that the workers are prepared for any situation.
    I think that the Safe Haven law could use two changes in order to make it better. First of all, the parents should not be allowed to have access to their child once they leave him or her at a Safe Haven facility. If the parents had doubts when dropping the baby off, then they shouldn't have left the child there in the first place. Instead, they should have taken more time to think about their decision. They could have tried parenting the child for a little while and seen if it was too much for them. Next, parents should be required to leave medical and family histories when they drop off their baby at a Safe Haven facility. This will help the people receiving the baby to get an idea as to what kind of background the baby has. Medical and family histories can also help the child track down his or her parents when he or she is older, if the child is mature enough and chooses to do so.
    -Laura Hefner

  47. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    -The Safe Haven Law greatly helps the unwanted child by giving them a second chance at life.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    -This helps the newborn parents by taking the child away from them, and making their lives easier. Then the parents know their child is safe.

    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    -yes it does help others becaise it can give parents wanting to adopt a chance for a baby.

    Can you think of any negative things about this law? If so, what are they?
    -Yes because then the parents can just abandon their babies for no reason

    Are there ways to make the law better? How?
    -Yes make sure they get to an adoption center


  48. Babies deserve to be protected, but I think that this law is a little sexist. This law only applies to woman, but the father probably has a say in the decision some times. Fathers that allow mothers to throw away babies should also be punished.

  49. How does it help the newborn's parents?

    The newborns parents will be given the opprotunity to put their child up for adoption, sparing his or her life.

    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?

    This law helps childless parents in their quest for adoption. With abandoned babies now up for adoption, the hopefull parents to be will have an incresed chance that they will be able to adopt.

  50. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    -It helps a newborn by letting the newborn live instead of being abandoned and left to die.
    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    -It helps the parents by helping them assure their child will be safe.
    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    -It benefits the parents who adopt the child because they may not be able to have a child of their own due to biological factors, so yes it does help others.

    -V. Rivera

  51. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    It helps them because it gives them a home rather then being abandoned and probably dying.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    It helps them because it take the baby and all the responsibilitys that come with it out of the hands of the parents. It helps them to be free of any worry.

    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    Yes because the baby can be put up for adoption and another set of parents that want a baby can have one and give it a good life.

    Abenigno =]

  52. 1. The Safe Haven law gives the baby a chance to survive. It provides a good place for a baby to end up.
    2.If the parent doesn't want the baby, rather than kill it the parent can get rid of the baby legaly.
    3. The law helps parents looking to adopt a baby.

  53. Q1) How does the Safe Hven Law help an unwanted newborn?
    A1) The Safe Haven Law gives the unwanted babies a chance at the life they wouldn't get to live if they were just left to die in the streets.
    Q2) How does it help the newborn's parents?
    A2) The Safe Haven Law helps the parents because it lets them know that their unwanted baby is going to be safe.
    Q3) Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    A3) This law helps any people that want to adopt a baby. They can adopt the unwanted baby and give it a home and love
    Q4) Can you think of any negative things about this law? IF so, what are they?
    A4) There are downsides to the law. The parent(s) of the baby can just give up their baby for no apparent reason other than they just don't want it.
    Q5) Are there ways to make the law better? How?
    A5) There are lots of ways to improve this law. You can make sure the baby is dropped off at a hospital incase it needs medical attention. The law could also be made more public so parents that would consider just abandoning their baby can know that it will be safe, and also avoid being arrested for felonies. If the law was more public and everyone knew about it, there would be less babies dying in the streets every day.
    Alyssa Rao

  54. This law does help newborn babies. If this law did not exist, a baby could lose its life, or a mother might chose to keep her baby even though she is not able to. This law also helps mothers in need because it gives a safe, responsible way to give up a baby that you are not able to take care of. Other people can benefit from this law also. Maybe a person that is hoping to adopt a child can adopt the abandoned child. This law is the best solution for the situation. Ideally, no one would be in a position where she needed to give up a child, but I can not think of a better solution to this problem.
    KK Period G

  55. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    -The Safe Haven Law helps an unwanted newborn by giving them a chance at life when they are unwanted by his or her biological parents. Instead of being thrown away as if a worthless piece of garbage, a newborn can be adopted and loved.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    -The Law helps keep the parent(s) out of legal trouble. Unfortunately, there are people in the world who would dispose of a precious child as if they were an old sandwich. Through the Safe Haven Law, these parents can give their child a chance at life, and be protected from spending up to 20 years in prison.

    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    -This Law also helps people who want a child, but are unable to have their own. It takes years and lots of money to adopt a baby these days, and through Safe Haven, potential parents have a better chance at getting a baby.

    Personally, I think this law is brilliant. It not only saves the child and the parents, but it can also give other people a chance to have children.

    ~Nickie Caratas

  56. The safe haven law helps unwanted newborns by providing them with more better care then they might of had with their biological parent because some of the babies that are dropped off at the area are from disadvantaged mothers.

    It helps the parents know that their child is safe and well taken care of and they wont have to worry about their child being somewhere that is bad and untrustworthy.

    Some negative aspect is that the child may not feel normal when they are told what their parent did.

    I think that this is an abomination and that leaving your child out on the street is absurd. If the parent/parents do not want their child, let them go to an adoption center! There are plenty of those. But you should'nt have had a baby in the first place that you cannot take care of


  57. 1)How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    - It gives the child a chance to live their lives and it gives parents a chance to adopt a child. When a child is left to die with no one to help it, they don't have a chance to grow up and see the world as it is, it also helps provide the child with better care. This Safe Haven Law gives an unwanted baby a future.
    2)How does it help the newborn's parents?
    - The biological parents, it helps them mentally, so that they won't have the guilt of killing a child that they had created. For the adoptive parents it gives them a chance to have a child, if they cannot create one themselves.
    4)There are no problems about this law, except one. If a child is born and they are raised in a different faimly, they might not get a chance to see their real parents. Otherwise, I think that this law should atleast have the child meet their parents in the distant future so it gives them a chance to see where they really come from. So, there is nothing else about this law that is bad, it's good and it will help babies.
    *I personally think that this law is amazing, it gives children/babies a chance to live their lives. It shows that someone out there loves them, and it even shows that their biological parents love them, because they gave their child a chance to live instead of "disposing" of them.

  58. 1. The safe haven law protects the newborn because it can be brought to a safe place without being abandoned and put in danger. It gives babies a safe home where they can be cared for.
    2. This law helps the newborns parents because they know that their child is in good hands evenh if they cant take car of the baby themselves. It relieves some of their stress.
    4. Yes. A negative thing about this law is that the parents could feel that it is an easy thing just to drop your baby off someplace safe but when the baby grows up, it will not know its true parents if they did not leave any information with the baby.

    I think the law is a good law because it is better than just leaving a baby out in the cold. The baby can be safe and won't be in danger. It can be taken care of and kept safe.


  59. -How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn? It keeps them from being dumped into lethal conditions and at least gives them a chance to live.
    -How does it help the newborn's parents? The Safe Haven law helps the parents of an unwanted newborn avoid the psychological effects of abortion and gives them a minimal peace of mind.
    -Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit? This law is helpful to the thousands of parents who want to adopt and cannot because babies are being killed through abortion.

    This law at least makes sense in its life saving aspect. Its sad that some parents who choose to give up their children, but there's some hope in this law.

  60. The Safe Haven law helps unwanted newborns immensely: it gives them a chance to be cared for by a loving family, it gives them a chance to be successful in life, and ultimately it gives them the chance to live, one that they otherwise wouldn't have if they were dropped in a dumpster. Furthermore, the Safe Haven law also aids the newborn's parents in a number of ways. First off, it gives the parents an opportunity to responsibly give their child away without any chance of persecution. It also allows them to have a fresh start in their lives without the burden of having a child that they aren't financially, physically, and emotionally ready for. This can potentially change the course of their entire lives. However, although there are many positives that emanate from the Safe Haven law, there is one glaring negative: these parents will never be able to contact their children again and get pictures of them on each of their birthdays. They become completely separated from them for basically their entire lives. Therfore,opverall, I think that the Safe Haven law is a great thing. So many infants were being killed and thrown away because of their parent's inability to care for them. This law has literally saved lives.

  61. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    -The safe heaven law helps the newborns by providing them with better care and safer facility. Anything would be better than, being thrown in the gym bag.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    -if the parents can not afford to take care of the child, they can give up their child instead of being careless of infant's life.

    Are there ways to make the law better? How?
    - This law can be improved by several attempts. Teens like myself, probably did not even know or heard about this law before. If the governmnet, takes a step to publicize this law, therie will be less parents worrying about abortion and dumping out their child.


  62. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    -The Save Haven law helps unwanted newborns by giving them a better area and environment to be brought up in. It is a lot safer for them and safer. It gives them another chance at being safe and living in a better place for them. Someone that actually wants them and wants to take care of them has the chance to now instead of someone who is not responsible and cannot own up to a mistake that they may have made.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    -It helps the newborn's parents by keeping the child because they couldn't for some reason. Maybe they were too busy or realized that they weren't ready for a child, they chose the option that they thought was the only option for them and for their children.

    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit.
    -This law doesn help other people. If can give parents that have been trying or wanting a baby but for some reason can't a chance at being a parent. It gives them a chance to have a kid that they have always wanted.

    Can you think of any negative things about this law? If so, what are they?
    -There are negative things about this law. One of them would be that it is just giving a parent an easy way out of it by taking their baby to a police station, fire station, or a hospital. They are just looking for an easy way out and leave there baby/babies for no reason.

    Are there ways to make the law better? How?
    -Instead of taking an easy way out of something, they should try to fix their own mistake and take the baby to an adoption agency where they can will investigate a family and make sure that the baby will be safe and they know that they will be safe in that kind of environment.
    Period G mk

  63. 1) How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    -The Safe Haven law helps an unwanted newborn by giving them a better environment to be nurtured in.
    2) How does it help the newborn's parents?
    -It helps the newborns' parents by helping them avoid severe punishments if they do try to abandon their baby.
    3) Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    -This law can also help other people because it gives them a chance to adopt a baby.

    Comment: I think that the Safe Haven law is very helpful to the baby and the parents because it ensures a safer environment for the baby to be taken care of and it can relieve stress and guilt from the parents who are not prepared to raise a child.

    -Abbey M.

  64. Obviously, it helps the parent that feels that they cannot provide for a child, but it also benefits the child. The infant will be exposed to oppotunities that their birth parent might not have been able to provide for them.

    This law helps other people such as couples hoping to adopt. It can take years to adopt a child in America and even longer adopting one from out of the country.

    Thought it can lower the risk of abandoned infants, this law has its dowfalls. Its good for parents that truly believe that they cannot provide for their newborn, but it could quickly turn into teens seeing it as a way out of not having sex.

    Though it has its risks, it a great way to reduce the risks of abandoned infants.


  65. 1.) The law elimates the idea of killing an unwanted baby by bringing them to a safe place

    2.) It helps the parents in a way that they know their baby is safe and will live a happy life that they couldnt provide for them on their own.

    3.) This benefits thoughs who can not have children

    4.) Negative affect could be that maybe the mother will feel guil;ty that she couldnt provide a life for her baby

    5.) The law can be better by just instead of taking it to safe place, take the unwanted baby to an adoption agency

  66. 1. The Law protects babies because then they won't be abandoned

    2. It helps the parents because they know the child will be safe and they won't have to abandon the baby

    3. The law helps families that wish to adopt babies. The law gives them chances to adopt them rather than having a dead baby.

  67. Clearly this Safe Haven law helps an unwanted newborn by preventing them from being disposed for nothing.

    This helps the newborn baby's parents from becoming in essence a murderer. It preserves their integrity and gets them to sort of see the value in life.

    I think in terms of making the law better, they should really enforce it. I like the law and agree with its principles. It's a good one especially as to how the growing number of pregnancies is going up.

  68. The Safe Haven law helps those unwanted babies have a chance in life. It gives that baby an opportunity to live, breathe, and feel. This law helps the newborn's parents by giving them some relief. They know that their baby will be in better hands and taken care of. This law also helps others because there are people who look into adoption and these unwanted babies could eventually be adopted by loving adults and parents who will care for them for the rest of their lives. Although I think this law is beneficial because it gives those babies and chance at life while giving those who may be infertile a chance at another life to nourish, it almost seems as if it is a reason or an "out" for the mothers to discard their own innocent newborns. However, I think the law is an improvement because I would hate to see any more lives of a baby being thrown away by a mother's mistake.

  69. 1. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    -The Safe Haven law helps unwanted newborns by giving them the opportunity that they would not otherwise have to live and be provided with a loving family.
    2. Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    -This law could also help families who are looking to adopt. There are so many children that are abandoned and thousands of families willing to take them in and now they can get the opportunity to raise a child that needs love because of this law.
    3. Can you think of any negative things about this law? If so, what are they?
    - One negative thing about this law is that it could encourage teenagers to continue in sexual activity because if they got pregnant, the baby could be safe without them having to do anything. Sexaul activity among teenagers could definately increase.
    Comments: I like that there will be so many children saved through this law, but teenage sexual activity may unfortunately increase.

  70. 1. The Safe Haven Law gives unwanted newborns a chance the would have never had.
    2. This law relieves stress for the parents live, the dont have to worry about all the adoption paper work, or deal with the stress of an abotion.
    3. One problem with this law may be that the parents might not know if the child has any hereditary disease that may potentially be life threatening

  71. 1. Safe Haven helps new borns by giving them a chance in life, giving them a home, and making sure your taking care of.
    2. This law helps the parents because if they are financially unable to care for a baby then they can give it away knowing that they will be okay. Also if they are debating if they can care for the baby they can drop it off at a police station, hospital, ext and think for 60 days whether they can handle this or not.
    3. This law does help other people. People who want a child but can not conceive one can adopt this baby after 60 days and authorities are positive the parents are not coming back.
    I belive this is a great law that is saving lives.

  72. The Safe Haven law helps the newborn's parents because if they are not ready to be taking care of an infant of are not able to, based on income issues or housing, they don't have to worry about caring for the child. Also they don't have to live with the guilt of abandoning their own child.

    This can help other people by married couples who are not able to have children can adopt one of the newborns. People who are able to support a child and want to care for one can have a child.

    AS Period C

  73. The law helps give innocent newborns born into an unfortunate situation a better life. Without this law, parents might choose to abandon the baby.
    It helps the parents because this gives them an option for a better life for their child if they can't support the child themselves. Also, if the parents are financially unable to help the child, this would remove the costs of having a child.
    This law also helps the families who are open for adoption a chance to care for the babies who would otherwise have been abandoned.
    The negative aspect of the law is that it may give some people the idea that just abandoning your baby is alright and it would take all problems away when really giving up a baby like that could be very emotionally devastating.
    Maybe to improve the law, the people who drop off the babies should be recommended to get help for whatever situation would keep them from deeping the baby.
    I think this is a good idea for parents who have no other way out, but the law could also be taken in a wrong way. For example, some sexually active teenagers might think this is a great solution if the girl ever becomes pregnant. The law should not be taken this way and it should be emphasized this is only for parents who really don't have another way out.

  74. It allows babies to have a place to go instead of just being dumped on the side of a street where they can harmed. It also allows them to be safely cared for. Newborns have a place to go instead of losing their life to irresponsible parents.

    It allows newborn parents to give their child to a facility where the baby will be taken good care of. It also allows the parents to take their child back after a limited amount of time.

    Some negative sides to this law is that it gives teens a way out of unexpected pregancies. It also has strangers take care of newborns which could cause a mass amount of newborns in facilities.


  75. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    It gives that child another chance to live, even if it's not with their birthparents, it still is giving another chance for living and that's what makes this a good law.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    They won't have to worry about the expenses of the child and they will be able to continue on with their lives.

    Can you think of any negative things about this law? If so, what are they?
    Are there ways to make the law better? How?
    It may make people feel fine about having sex before marriage because with this law they can have a baby but leave it with someone else so that they don't have a problem. This can result in more teenagers having sex leading to more teenage pregnancies so it should be modified to people over 18 so that teenagers will still understand the consequences of what they're doing.
    Period C, AK-47

  76. The Safe Haven law allows an unwanted child to be placed in a facility that will help them get a family who wants them. They can live normally and can have a life that allows them to reach their fullest potential as an adult.

    The parents of said child are able to leave their baby with someone who will take care of him or her. Whether it is due to immense amounts of stress, living conditions unsuitable for a child, or any other reason, the parent(s) can give their child away. They are also able to do it anonymously, so as to protect their privacy. But if the parent(s) wish to take their child back, for whatever reason, they can do so in under sixty days.

    Safe Haven can also help couples and/or families interested in adopting a child, specifically, a newborn baby.

    It is a good idea, but unfortunately certain people who never learned about it may one day have a child they don't want, but they don't utilize the Safe Haven law, and just abandon their baby in an alleyway or in a river somewhere. It would be enourmously helpful if the law was promoted more often; I have only heard about it once before in my life.


  77. How does the Safe Haven law help an unwanted newborn?
    This law helps the baby have a chance at life. The Safe Haven Law will allow the child to have a better life that it would with the child's mother. The child would be adopted by a loving family that would nuture and provide a safe home for the child.

    How does it help the newborn's parents?
    This allows the parents to give away their child in a safe enviorment. It may help the parents mentally knowing that their child is in a safer enviorment, one that they would not be able to provide.

    Does this law also help other people? If so, who are they and how do they benefit?
    This law benefits many couples that want babies but physically can't have them. It allows these parents to start and have a family that they would not otherwise have.

    Overall I think that the safe haven law is really great. With this law we could save so many children and give them good homes and a chance to live.

    E.G period C

  78. This law helps unwanted newborns because some mothers want to get rid of their baby, and if they are forced to take care of it, then they will kill the baby to solve their problems. The law allows woman to leave their babies at hospitals if they cant take care of it at that time and the baby will go up for adoption. This law will also benefit families who are inferitile so they may adopt a child of their own. However, this law may get people to think they can have sex and not worry about having children because they can just leave the child at the hospital and not worry about it.
