My Health students are encouraged to see mental health as an integral part of their overall health, their wellness. It's a subject that can sometimes be seen as difficult to talk about but it's students of this age that most need to be aware of the issues. 5,000 teenagers take their own life each year and my students immerse themselves in the mental health assignment to go with this topic.
Students have to research a mental illness and produce an informational pamphlet that gives information on the causes, symptoms and possible treatments for those afflicted with the illness. They also have to provide further sources of information including school based, community based and on a national level.
I have used to allow this semesters students to look at just a few of the good examples of work that were produced last semester. If you click on the image above it will allow you to scroll through some pamphlets.
Hey check out this link to see 4 examples of great work from this semesters classes. Also, I will be posting a movie that one student produced about depression.