Carmel Health

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another First

It's been an exciting first semester of the year for our Health classes. Our "Carmel Health" podcast is now available on iTunes, and student participation in the production of these podcasts continues to increase. The 3rd podcast is almost ready for broadcast and there will be greater student involvement than ever before.
Our Health classes have also used a number of technological resources to aid in their learning of the subject. We have created QR Codes (more on that in a later posting). We have also used applications on smartphones in class. Most recently we used 'iTreadmill' to track our steps throughout the school day and also calculate the total number of calories expended. We also calculated our body composition using the excellent 'TeenBMI' application. Our next unit in class is nutrition and I am already asking for students to come forward and share with me any good application that they or their families have been using to help them lead a more healthful lifestyle.
And so now I find myself trying to utilize a health blog and experiment with ways in which this can be used to engage students in Health. Stay tuned as this blog develops over the coming months.


  1. I really enjoy health class and I like the way we learn a ton of important and useful healthy life factors. I enjoyed tracking my amount of footsteps I walked for an average school day. I also thought it was useful and interesting to find out my BMI afterwards. This class is very interesting and I learn a lot.

  2. Brad Kamins
    My new years resolution is to put on another 10lbs of muscle. I need to stay in the rutine of lifting and conditioning that i was in for football. Now that football is over i need to stay committed to keep working out. Im sure i will be fine since i already have a gym pass to the mundelein recreation center. I just need to get the drive to go workout everyday back.
