Happy New Year to you and your family.
With a new semester upon us, this is a time to reflect upon the best (and worst) of 2010 and to look forward to the fresh start offered to us by 2011.
Just before Advent, the Administration at CCHS gave teachers a book of daily reflections. The reflection for the New Year asked us to consider choosing a theme for 2011. Would this be The Year of Quiet? The Year of Daring? The Year of Healing? The Year of Love?
Whether you decide to choose a theme or not, it is possible that you will be encouraged to set yourself a New Year's Resolution. This will be a commitment to improve your life, attitude or behavior in some way. Popular goals might be to lose weight, gain muscle, improve grades, give more time to charity, be nice to your siblings or improve your school grades. Whatever you choose, this is a time to set a positive goal or improve a habit that you have developed.
In health class we learn that following SMART guidelines we can increase our chances of achieving our goals. SMART is an acronym that reminds how to set the best type of goal.
Specific. Our goal should be specific, not general. Why have you set this goal? Who will help you? When will you work on achieving the goal? What constraints will need to be overcome?
Measurable. You should be able to measure your success, or your path towards achieving your goal.
Attainable. When you plan out the steps, and establish a time frame you are more likely to achieve your goal. Goals that once seemed difficult will become more attainable as you grow and change your behaviors to ensure success.
Realistic. Your goal will be realistic if you believe that it can be accomplished. Are you willing and able to achieve the goal?
Timely. You should set a time limit on your goal. Achieving it 'someday' just doesn't cut it. By putting a time limit on the goal you are preparing yourself to make changes in your behavior to achieve. Once the goal is achieved, you can reward yourself...and set yourself another goal. Remember, people who regularly set and achieve goals are more successful in life.
I wish you all the best in achieving your New Year's Resolution. If there is anything that I can do to assist you setting or achieving your goal please do not hesitate to ask me. If you are setting a goal, consider posting it on this blog as a comment. The more people that are aware of your goal, the more people you have to motivate you towards achieving it.
Consider this question asked in my book of Advent reflections, "What are we doing with the life God gave us?".